The first day of school is always very exciting. I was not sad at all to watch my littlest finally be able to attend school like her big sis! She was so excited to be able to go this year even though 4K is only 1/2 days. Big sis is officially a 1st grader this year, I think I am more sad about her being in 1st grade than the little one just starting. I like to see them go off but 1st grade! It doesn't seem like that much time has passed since she was my little piggy! Such a smart girl and growing by the second. They both are so excited to learn, I sometimes envy the pureness I see in them. To be that age again! I would not want to start over but to be 4 or 6 just for 1 or 2 days.....I think it would be very enjoyable. Especially if it were in the same settings with old friends and classmates. Anyways back on topic...we had a pretty good day for the first day of school except I was running a little late due to the fact my camera once again came up missing. I found it with seconds to spare as we rushed out the door and to the school. Good thing everyone is late on the first day! Despite us getting there with only minutes to spare till 8am we were met by a long line of parents waiting to sign into the school to take their little ones to their classes on the first day. There were no tears by me or the kids which is always good and when they got home they both agreed that it was going to be a good year.
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