Friday, September 28, 2012

Best $1 I Ever Spent

Since quitting my job and becoming a full time mommy/housewife I have taken it upon myself to tackle something I always told myself I had no time to worry about in the past.....Stains! Stains on the carpet, stains on our clothing, stains on the walls & linoleum floors...the list goes on and on. Don't get me wrong it's not like I just left spills and never cleaned anything up I did try a little just not very hard. If my stain didn't come up after the first treatment I usually just left it for another day. One that didn't seem to come until just this past year after I quit my job and I realized that I actually have time to focus on the little stuff instead of just getting the main daily tasks complete.

Anyone who works full time and has kids understands what I'm saying. When you work full time it's hard to have any time left after dinner and homework. What little time you do have left it seems is spent on the rest of the chores: dishes, laundry, taking out the trash & picking up after one another. Most days by the time I sat down all I could think about was sleep!

One day as I was walking through our local dollar store I came across something that caught my eye called LA'S TOTALLY AWESOME OXYGEN POWER - All purpose spot remover. It claimed to remove spots from carpet, upholstery, clothing & more! All I could think of is I was out of my OXY-CLEAN and I didn't have $8 bucks to go by some more. I thought it wouldn't hurt to try something new and for only $1 it was worth a trial run.

To be all honest I didn't expect it to meet my standards. I've tried many stain removers after all - many of them a complete waste of money- and I did buy it from the dollar store but to my surprise it totally blew me away! Not only is it great for getting stains out of the carpet and kids clothing but it also has done wonders for old counter top stains and the exterior of my old white refrigerator! It seems like I find a new use for this stuff every day and can't imagine my life without it now. Before I used to scrub and scrub but now I can just spray it and wipe away and my stains are GONE! I wish I would have discovered this before. I think it would have made my life a whole lot cleaner a long time ago.

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