Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Step Out - Fight Against Diabetes!

It is that time of year again to be fund raising for Step Out -fight against diabetes-, this is our fifth year fund raising for the cause.  Anyone who knows our family knows my little sister was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes 5 years ago. After a bit of a struggle in the beginning, it is hard to get used to a total life change, she is now doing more than good...quite Great actually! No she's not cured but we are hopeful for a cure to be found. Now every year we help the organization by having a fundraising competition every year and at the end there is a walk we attend in Milwaukee or Madison where they tell the results of all the teams and how much we raised total.

This year we're holding a bowling night at our local bowling ally Cougar Lanes in Clinton, WI. It will be a fun filled night of a 50/50 raffles, scotch doubles, and a silent auction. We also have 2 giant stuffed animals that we will be selling tickets to win. 

One is a Serta Sheep (#3)  and the other is a long haired blue elephant. The tickets will be sold for $5 a piece and at the end of the night we will draw the winner!

Both are snugly and loveable. They would make great Christmas presents! 

Bowl 3 games plus shoes is only $10 per person. Even if you don't want to bowl we encourage you to just come out and show your support.

Your donation will help fund research to prevent, cure and manage diabetes; deliver services to hundreds of communities; provide objective and credible information; and give voice to those denied their rights because of diabetes. I urge you to donate! Anything helps, the loose change in your pockets...even $1helps bring us closer to our goal. Our Team name this year is "Sarina's Squad". As a team this year we are trying to raise $500+. We know it's a big goal especially since most people we know are having a financially hard time but it would be so great to get there. If you can't make it to bowl and live around the area (Clinton, WI) you can stop by our local grocery store IGA and drop off any size donation in our donation can located on the counter by the bakery.

With obesity on the rise in the united states Type 2 diabetes becomes more prevalent every day. That doesn't even include people diagnosed with Type 1 which doesn't come from a poor diet but rather is genetically passed on through family's.  Did you know that every 20 seconds someone is diagnosed with diabetes? That's 4,320 people in a 24-hour time period! By raising money for Step Out, we are providing much-needed funds for American Diabetes Association's research, information programs, and advocacy efforts that help people just like you.

An impressive 75 percent of every dollar spent supports research, advocacy, and services for people affected by diabetes. This is why it is so important for us to help raise money. We know it is going where it is suppose to go and if I can help someone like my little sis improve their life....I can't say no.

I hope you read this and feel the same...please donate...please help...

"American Diabetes Association Complete Guide to Diabetes" (Google Affiliate Ad)

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